
2. Be selective in choosing a partner, in dating or not dating.
When single you can take your time to chose – be in no rush and make a wise choice. Do not settle for the wrong person or for the wrong reasons.
3. Can have all the time to self-care.
Self-Care is vital and important to overall wellbeing.
Taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual health should take priority.
Ladies being single can still be beautiful!
In many cultures and societies women are seemingly in a disadvantage become they may be pressured to marry, or be in a relationship and have children. Most times they had no life of their own to be their true authentic self. Here are a few benefits of being single:
1. Single women can set their own rules and boundaries.
Here is your opportunity to get to know yourself at a deeper level – know your authentic self. Understand your tolerance level and set boundaries.
Boundaries that you set can either be emotional, physical or even digital.
4. Knows the value of being independent – and that is important. Codependency could be very stifling.
Being independent creates a level of confidence in a woman, where she knows and owns her own power and truly understands her feelings and is not afraid to express them in a mature way.
She is definitely not codependent and this is an asset going into a relationship as she is well poised to contribute to the sustainability and enhancement of the relationship. (The virtuous woman – Proverbs 31:10-31)
Men being single can still be handsome!
While it may be good being in a relationship if you are not in the right mindset to make a relationship successful, please do not get involved in one because you would eventually put your partner in a disadvantage position. Relationship is a partnership between two people which takes a lot of maturity, time and commitment.
Have are a few interesting benefits of being single:
1. You cannot stay steady, in one place for long and like to travel whenever you want.
If this is you, being single gives you the freedom to travel without hesitation as you may be free of any serious commitment to another.
2. You have all the time to improve your life.
Here is your opportunity to work on your health, finances, spirituality, profession, education and all areas that needs improvement in your life. During this time you can also make preparation emotionally, and financially to take on the responsibilities of a family – if that is your future goal.

3. You can become more self-reliant.
This is so beneficial especially for men who may be coming from a previous bad relationship breakup. My advice is for you to be single for a while and give yourself time to heal and learn to me more self-reliant.
It makes no sense becoming involved in another relationship if you have not healed – I have seen the disaster of this time and time again.
4. You can avoid settling for the wrong person and for the wrong reasons.
Take all the time you need, there is no need to rush into disaster for whatever reason if might be: getting older, lonely, all your friends are married with children… If you are not ready (right mindset, finances good, children responsibility) wait and make the right choices when you are ready. Chose a partner that compliments you (values, belief)
Are you are feeling stuck or lost in your singleness and have no clue on what to do?
Are you overwhelmed with loneliness, and feel like there is no forward momentum in your life?
Are you afraid that you would never find that happy, fulfilling love relationship in this lifetime?
There are many reasons why you might be feeling stuck, overwhelmed or and trapped in life. And there are also potential solutions to getting you unstuck.
However, there is no overnight cure, but maybe you can feel better when you decide to explore and discover what may be holding you back. Who knows? But you’ll never know if you don’t start the search for the right information.
So let’s get started.